About me

I am a fourth year statistics PhD student at the University of Washington where I am advised by Jon Wakefield. My primary research interests are small area estimation and spatial demography, particularly as applied in official statistics and public health settings. My current work involves small area estimation of health indicators in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) using complex survey data. Under my advisor, I developed and led the execution of a pipeline to produce subnational under-five and neonatal mortality rate estimates in over 30 LMICs, in close coordination with the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Mortality Estimation.

I completed my BS in Applied Mathematics at University of Rochester and MS in Biostatistics at Harvard School of Public Health. While completing my Masters degree, I also worked in the biostatistics department of the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.

I grew up in northern New Jersey and in my spare time I enjoy reading, going to concerts, taking dance classes, and hanging out with my rabbit, Theo.